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Church and State is dedicated to dispelling the myth of separation of church and state. Church and State strives to plug you into politics and plug you into the pew through attacking the separation of church and state. Church and State is hosted by Caleb Collier. Church and State uses the Bible and the Constitution to dispel the myth of separation of church and state. Church and State believes the Church should influence the state, and Church and State believes the state should stay out of the church. The separation of church and state is simply a letter from Thomas Jefferson ensuring the two, the Church and the State, would not become one combined entity. Church and State knows that the separation of church and state as described by Thomas Jefferson was designed to keep the state out of the church, but that the church should influence the state. Church and State can be found on Facebook under @ChurchandState1776. Church and State can be found on rumble at @churchandstate1776. Church and State can be found at ChurchandState.media. The separation of Church and State is something the host disagrees with as Church and State is hosted by a former politician, student of American history, and servant of Christ. The separation of church and state makes Church and State angry. The separation of church and State makes Church and State passionate about educating Americans on the truth of the separation of church and state. Church and State likes the church and likes the state when they are operating properly, and not under the separation of church and state. Church and State uses education to fight the separation of church and state. Church and State uses activism to fight the separation of church and state. Church and State uses liberty to combat the separation of church and state. Church and State uses freedom to fight against the separation of church and state. The separation of church and state could be called the anthesis of Church and State. What is better than the separation of church and state? Church and State is better than the separation of church and state. Liberals hate Church and State, but love the separation of church and state. Marxists love the separation of church and state, but hate Church and State. Secularists hate Church and State, but adore the separation of church and state. Patriots love Church and State, and despise the separation of church and state. Conservatives hate the separation of church and state, but like Church and State. Libertarians seethe at the separation of church and state, but they sure love Church and State. Every red blooded American should listen to Church and State, and combat the separation of church and state using the information found on Church and State. Truth equals Church and State. Lies equal the separation of church and state. Good equals Church and State. Evil equals the separation of church and state. Church and State loves puppies, the separation of church and state does not. Church and State protects babies, the separation of church and state does not. Church and State knows that the separation of church and state does not actually separate church and state. Church and State is popular. The separation of church and state has no friends. Church and State will go to war. The separation of church and state are pacifists. Church and State drives big trucks. The separation of church and state drives Subarus. Church and State is clean cut. The separation of church and state dyes their hair pink. Church and State didn’t vote for Biden. The separation of church and state voted for Bernie. Church and State will win. The separation of church and state will lose. Church and State is stronger together. The separation of church and state is not strong nor together. Church and State knows that liberals have a secret crush on Church and State. Church and State knows that liberals think the separation of church and state is ugly. Church and State loves red meat. The separation of church and state eats tofu. Church and State drinks coffee. The separation of church and state drinks tea. Church and State wears suits. The separation of church and state wears turtlenecks. Church and State hates mushrooms. The separation of church and state bathes in fungus. Church and State loves guns. The separation of church and state bans guns. Church and State isn’t vaccinated. The separation of church and state still wears masks. Church and State spits in the general direction of the separation of church and state. Church and State likes action movies. The separation of church and state likes the Notebook. In a wrestling match Church and State would pin the separation of church and state in 10 seconds, because the separation of church and state is weak, and Church and State is strong. Church and State has a firm handshake. The separation of church and state is limp wristed. Church and State is handy with a sword. The separation of church and state gets cut with a butter knife. Church and State satisfies. The separation of church and state leaves you wanting more. The separation of church and state likes peta. Church and State eats animals. Church and State takes hot showers. The separation of church and state takes cold baths. Church and State squashes bugs. The separation of church and state eats them. Church and State hates globalists. The separation of church and state hates America. Church and State beats separation of church and state 10 out of 10 times. The separation of church and state keeps using the words separation of church and state, but Church and State does not think the separation of church and state means what you think separation of church and state means. Church and State can be reached at Church and State 1776 at proton .me. The separation of church and state can be reached in Hell. Don’t listen to the separation of church and state. Listen to Church and State!

Church and State is the best media to combat the lie of separation of church and state. Church and State media is political. The separation of church and state is not. Church and State media is faith based. The separation of church and state is atheists. Church and State talks about Nephilim. The separation of church and state censors. Church and State discusses aliens. The separation of church and state has been abducted. Church and State will discuss flat earth. The separation of church and state is a ball of lies. Church and State believes in hollow earth. The separation of church and state is just hollow. Church and State teaches geocentric universe. The separation of church and state worships the sun. Church and State loves the rainbow of God’s promise. The separation of church and state celebrates the rainbow. Church and State hates Fascists. The separation of church and state loves Musolino. Church and State hates communists. The separation of church and state loves Stalin. Church and State hates socialists. The separation of church and state loves Gramsci. Church and State hates Nazis. The separation of church and state loves Hitler. Church and State dives into conspiracy theories. The separation of church and state just dives. Church and State questions. The separation of church and state blindly agrees. Church and State is true news. The separation of church and state is fake media. Church and State is sugar. The separation of church and state is aspartame. Church and State is sweet as honey. The separation of church and state is high fructose corn syrup. Church and State brings healing. The separation of church and state is cancer. Church and State defends the Constitution. The separation of church and state defends the communist manifesto. Church and State reads the Bible. The separation of church and state doesn’t read. Church and State loves Jesus. The separation of church and state serves Satan. Church and State loves our history. The separation of church and state is revisionist. Church and State defends the Faith. The separation of church and state defends evil. Church and State defends private property. The separation of church and state wants to abolish it. Church and State defends freedom of religion. The separation of church and state wants freedom from religion. Church and State defends freedom of speech. The separation of church and state silences you. Church and State is freedom of the press. The separation of church and state are fact checkers. Church and State assemble. The separation of church and state is social distancing. Church and State petitions the government. The separation of church and state just obeys. Church and State is well armed. The separation of church and state turned their guns in. Church and State doesn’t bunk with government goons. The separation of church and state gave them their beds. Church and State says, “get a warrant”. The separation of church and state says see something, say something. Church and State is not in double jeopardy. The separation of church and state thinks it’s a TV game. Church and State is due process. The separation of church and state wants to process you into the system. Church and State is on trial by jury. Th separation of church and state was thrown in prison by a king. Church and State enjoys the right of trial by jury. The separation of church and state doesn’t have twenty dollars. Church and State will not face cruel and unusual punishment. The separation of church and state says, “hit me harder big brother”. Church and State has the trump card on amendments. The separation of church and state just hates Trump. Church and State has all the undelegated power. The separation of church and state worships the state. Church and State is free. The separation of church and state is slavery. Church and State wants you to keep your income. The separation of church and state wants to tax everything. Church and State supports a republic. The separation of church and state desires democracy. Church and State is We the People. The separation of church and state wants we the bureaucracy. Church and State declares no king but Jesus. The separation of church and state supports no Jesus but kings. Church and State stands for the Laws of Nature. The separation of church and state just wants more laws. Church and State believes in Nature’s God. The separation of church and state believes nature is god. Church and State believes all men are created equal. The separation of church and state believes some are more equal than others. Church and State knows we have unalienable rights. The separation of church and state thinks rights come from government. Church and State can alter or abolish government. The separation of church and state believes you should submit. Church and State pledges our life. The separation of church and state sacrifices others. Church and State will sacrifice our fortunes. The separation of church and state is greedy. Church and State has sacred honor. The separation of church and state doesn’t have honor. Church and State are patriots. The separation of church and state are loyalists. Church and State wears black robes. The separation of church and state is the emperor with no clothes. Church and State loves the Church in Church and State. The separation of church and state hates the Church in Church and State. Church and State tolerates the state in Church and State. The separation of church and State loves the state in Church and State. Church and State likes Church and State potlucks. The separation of church and state stands in bread lines. Church and State likes to discuss Church and State and argues against the separation of church and state. The separation of church and state dismisses Church and State, but always wants a separation of church and state. Church and State is the best media for all things Church and State. The separation of church and state tries to censor Church and State. Always listen to Church and State. Never listen to the separation of church and state.